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Board Evaluation
Board Evaluation
Please fill out the board evaluation form by Monday, July 17.
Board Responsibilities & Development:
Board members receive meeting agendas and supporting materials in time for adequate review. Information provided is accurate to ensure effective board governance and decision-making.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly Agree
Newly elected board members receive adequate onboarding and orientation to their role and what is expected of them as a board member.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly Agree
Each board meeting includes an opportunity for learning about the organization’s activities.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly Agree
The board has a range of talents, experiences, and knowledge to accomplish its role.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly Agree
The board uses its members’ talents and skills effectively.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly Agree
I feel active and involved with the board and organization.
1 - Strongly Disagree - I want opportunities to do more.
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly Agree - I'm happy with my level of involvement.
If you answered "Strongly Disagree" to a question, let us know how we could improve.
In what ways can we invest in and facilitate your personal development as a board member?
The board efficiently and effectively oversees the financial performance and fiduciary accountability of the organization.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly Agree
I understand the ACPL Foundation financial statements.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly Agree
If you answered "Strongly Disagree" to a question, let us know how we could improve.
Are you comfortable making financial decisions for the organization? Why or why not?
I can explain to friends and family why the ACPL Foundation is important and why the library needs financial support.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly Agree
I have adequate opportunities to participate in and assist with fundraising.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly Agree
I think the ACPL Foundation makes donors feel valued and properly thanks donors.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly Agree
If you answered "Strongly Disagree" to a question, let us know how we could improve.
Are ACPL Foundation fundraising activities sufficient in raising funds for the library? Why or why not?
Board & Staff:
I understand the roles and responsibilities between the staff and board members.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly Agree
Communication is strong and clear between the board and staff.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly Agree
I have a good working relationship with the executive director.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly Agree
Staff support from the board is effective and helpful.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly Agree
If you answered "Strongly Disagree" to a question, let us know how we could improve.
ACPL Foundation, ACPL, & Friends of the Library:
The Foundation, ACPL, and Friends of the Library have good working relationships and support one another’s missions.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly Agree
I am knowledgeable about the programs and services offered by the library.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly Agree
I feel informed about the ongoings of the Friends of the Library.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly Agree
ACPL and the Friends of the Library receive adequate communication and support from the ACPL Foundation.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly Agree
If you answered "Strongly Disagree" to a question, let us know how we could improve.
Is the ACPL Foundation effective in financially supporting the library? Why or why not?
Board Membership:
What would you say is your strongest contribution to this board?
Do you find serving on the board to be a satisfying and rewarding experience? Why or why not?
Do you feel that your financial contributions to the ACPL Foundation are at a level which is personally significant for you? Why or why not?
What changes would you suggest as a board member?