The ACPL Foundation is raising $10,000 to help your public library prep the bookmobile to go out and serve the community. ACPL plans to use the bookmobile as a mobile branch in West Laramie, to travel to schools and after school programs to better reach youth, and to create new partnerships that will expand our reach.
There’s a lot to be done before the bookmobile can hit the open road. Every donation helps get us closer to $10,000! Check out our items below.
Donate to be a Wrap Sponsor!
The ACPL Foundation is seeking sponsors to cover the cost of the bookmobile’s new design wrap. The wrap was $12,000.
Top Wrap Sponsor!
Special Recognition: Listed as a sponsor and have your name or business viewable on the outside of the bookmobile for one week.
Wrap Sponsor!
Special Recognition: Listed as a sponsor and have your name or business displayed in the bookmobile.
Future Dreams!
Special Recognition: Listed as a sponsor and have your name or business displayed on our website.
General Technology
Special Recognition: Listed as a sponsor and have your name or business on our donor wall inside the bookmobile.
Fill the Bookmobile!
Your donation will purchase $500 worth of materials.
New Upholstery for Captain Chairs and Booth
Your donation will allow us to reupholster the seats in the bookmobile.
Future Dreams!
We’re sure we forgot something on this wish list! Help us plan ahead for unforeseen costs.
General Technology
Your donation will help us prep the bookmobile with technology for the public and staff.
Internet Access
Providing free Wi-Fi in the bookmobile is an important service we need to offer while on the road.
Open Flag
Your donation will cover the cost of an “open” display flag for outside the bookmobile.
Motorized Step Replacement
The bookmobile is in need of a new motorized step for the front door.
General Maintenance
This “new branch” is going to need regular maintenance.
CD Player Conversion
Help us fix the bookmobile’s CD player and convert it to play music from a tablet.
We won’t make it far without a hefty gas budget!
Your donation will purchase $500 worth of materials.
Traffic Cones & Signage
ACPL needs cones and signage to make sure patrons can safely enter/leave the bookmobile.
Carpet Cleaning
The bookmobile will need a carpet cleaning before hitting the road.
Interior Upgrades
The bookmobile interior is dated and needs a few updates.
Charging Station
The bookmobile will have a station for patrons to charge laptops and other devices.
Book Returns
Our mobile branch will need a book return receptacle.
General Donation
ACPL needs donations for general needs for the bookmobile.
General Supplies
The bookmobile will need basic supplies for processing books, checking out materials, and for patron printing
Shelf Labels & Book Ends
Our mobile branch will need shelf labels and book ends so the public can easily identify sections.
Book Labels
The bookmobile is getting a whole new collection. Each of these books will need ACPL identifying labels.